Thursday, July 1, 2010

TIHTYL #1: Dave Matthews Band

Let me start this blog off on the right foot.  I fucking hate Dave Matthews and his stupid band.  Everyone else goes on for days about how "brilliant" he is, and oh, he's so smart and cute (REALLY?).  Fact: these people have bad taste in music.

Now, I don't hate Dave Matthews because I feel my taste in music is superior.  I do not, and whole-heartedly admit to liking my share of crappy music.  I love matchbox 20.  So we can get that counterargument out of the way.  I hate Dave Matthews simply because his music sucks and he's an annoying motherfucker.  Jam bands in general suck. OAR?  Sucks.  But let's be honest - DMB sucks the worst.  And we probably wouldn't have to listen to the likes of OAR without him.  Thanks, DM.
His lyrics are not good, but many an untalented lyricist has made it big (and I've probably enjoyed). But the overall effect of his "jams" with bad lyrics? Makes me want to puke. 

Well, maybe it's more the fact that he is, literally, a lying sack of shit.  Nah. I hated him before he took a dump on a number of people.  And having met some of his fans, they'd probably pay good money for Dave Matthews to purposefully poop on them.  I mean, they do spend money on his concerts.

I think that's another problem with his - his FANS. Jesus Christ, people, he doesn't give a shit about you.  Defending him on blogs (such as this one. Come on out) won't make him love you. He won't. He only loves himself! That's why he keeps writing the SAME GODDAMN SONG over and over and taking your money for it.  P.S., you also aren't on a first name basis with him.  If you tell me you're going to see "Dave," I'll ask "Dave who?"  Mostly because I try and forget he exists and people I love dearly, love him dearly.  Must. Repress.

I don't expect this to have any impact.  I don't expect any posts in this blog to influence your love of things that suck.  I'm just pointing out that Dave Matthews Band sucks.


  1. Shouting "I'm a great big douchebag" at his concert last summer is still one of the most satisfying things I've ever done in my entire life.

    (PS - OpenID won't work and now I'm almost as angry as if someone played DMB under my window)

  2. I thought DMB was cool for about 5 minutes when my oldest brother went off to college (around 2002, to W&M nonetheless - DMB heaven) and I wanted to be -justlikemybigbro-. But then I actually listened to the music and the lyrics and wanted to barf.

  3. Duude. Dave Matthews & OAR are hardly jam bands! Come on now. If you're going to make a blanket statement that jam bands suck, at least name some honest-to-god jam bands in there.

  4. My only quibble here is with the "jam bands suck" line. I don't *love* them, but I've listened to enough tapes of Grateful Dead concert to say that I like 'em at times (and, no, use of illicit substances is not involved during those "times").

