Sunday, July 11, 2010

TIHTYL #4: Tucker Max

Tucker Max. Ew. What the fuck is wrong with you, if you're one of these assholes who like him?
There's absolutely no defense for him.
Oh, you think his stories are funny? Oh, you think he's a good writer?
a) you're wrong. and b) YOU'RE WRONG.

Here's the thing about Tucker Max.  He's a fucking douchebag.  Many of his stories come pretty close to, if not qualify as, rape. Are you pro-rape? No, you wouldn't admit THAT.  But you'd probably say something like "he just gets drunk and has fun!"  Remind me not to hang out with you.

And his stories aren't funny, they're gross.  They are merely examples of disgusting human behavior that should not be tolerated or encouraged.  Buying his book, or, god forbid, seeing that terrible fucking movie, merely sends him the message that "hey, Tucker Max, I'm okay with what you do. I'm okay with how you treat women. I'm okay with you being a dishonest, disgusting human being. Keep up the good work!"  And Tucker Max thinks "Great! I'll keep doing this!"

But then again, when he epically fails, he'll just blame you for his failure.  It only made a million dollars, people.  That's how bad it was.


I swear I have never met a single guy who likes Tucker Max and is also a decent person.  I am not even joking.  If I know you, and you like Tucker Max, you have issues.  Seek help.

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